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What is release option for
14:47:12 Feb 15th 15 - Mr. Hirogen Hunter:

So instead of training you have release option, but what is it for? Or better ask when is it used?

I can't think of a reason to kill my soldiers like that, what about 'every soldier matters'?

In what situation would you rather kill units rather than using them in battle? Sure one might say army upkeep if you have 100k Gaia? But would that not mean you throw away gold needed to train? 

Would it not be better to go look for less defended enemy city, maybe even attempt 20% attack rather than forcing your men to suicide?

15:26:50 Feb 15th 15 - Mr. Sesugh Yisrahel The Wise:

as far as i know it is rarely ever used for the exact reasons you just said. However if an army is putting your upkeep into minus , to be honest it doesn't make any sense to go out looking for cities to attack on the off chance that you might get enough income. A large upkeep late era etc is more income then you'd get from any city , and attacking a city just to attack it is likely to cause retaliation, that you will not be able to survive due to just suiciding your army. Can think of a few times it would be useful but not a lot.

16:03:14 Feb 15th 15 - Binh (Mr. Binh The Jolly Halfer):

When you release them, they turn back into peasants (which you might've need if you don't need the low level troops anymore). Unless they're gaia then they just turn to dirt :P

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